The Trip Begins

We began our trip by driving to Atlanta airport and taking the nine hour flight to Frankfort, Germany. Although my book, Tears and Tales, was displayed at the Frankfurt International Trade Show, this was the first time I ever visited Frankfurt. We then hopped a flight to Nice, France, and were taxied into Monte Carlo.
Our driver was kind enough to point out the place where Princess Grace had the automobile accident that killed her. Although Monte Carlo is currently ruled by a Prince, it’s the consensus that eventually it will be taken over by the French because the French government provides a good deal of administrative services to the country.
One is struck by the degree of wealth in Monte Carlo. It truly is the playground of the rich. On the waterfront street where Virginia and I walked, they had three ATM machines in a two block radius (yes, they are bilingual) and nearly a thousand within Monte Carlo itself. We did not visit the casinos because the authorities have placed an escalator taking tourist to the upper level BUT the next level is a very steep climb and there is no other transportation than the legs. Unless one is in superior physical condition, OR has a private vehicle, he is not walking uphill to the casino. And most patrons do not fly into Nice. They take their private airplane and fly into Monte Carlo itself.
At one point in time, the dress code of black tie and tail or evening gown was strictly enforced as well as proof of financial capability. The rules have somewhat relaxed, but not to the degree of Vegas or Atlantic City. I also understand that there are no tables with a limit of less than three-thousand Euros (roughly $3,780.00) Now, it is impossible to outline our entire trip in a single blog you will have to tune in next time for more details OR sign up for our newsletter which will give more detail than the blog. Thanks for tuning in.
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