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Location: Kentucky, United States

Russell A. Vassallo was born in Newark, New Jersey, on April 24, 1934. He graduated from Seton Hall University and Seton Hall School of Law. When depression threatened him after retirement, his wife, Virginia, also a attorney, encouraged him to battle back by writing. To his surprise, he discovered that growing older, maturing and becoming a senior citizen had given him the insight he’d always lacked. Now he hopes writing will not only cure him but will aid animal charities as well as people suffering depression. “You can fight back and win,” he laughs. Russ is retired now and he and Virginia live on a farm in central Kentucky where Russ works the land, rides horses and lives an active and productive life. Russ has written two books about his animal friends, but he is by no means limited to animal stories. Of his new found career, he has this to say: "As long as people read and enjoy what I write…I’ll keep writing."

Thursday, June 15, 2006



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Russ,

I'm sitting here enjoying your blogging (is that the appropriate way to say it??). I'm glad that your "new" friendship with Heather has blossomed and enabled you into the 21st century!

Sol and Eric definitely have me worried...I hope we'll all learn of the outcome soon.

Your 4th of July ride/bbq sounds like so much fun. We also have a great group of "horse" friends and ride together as often as we can. Our 4th of July has often been spent horse-camping in the high Sierra. Reading about your bbq made me think of a goat named Heidi. When I was a kid my older sister bought a horse named Shawnee, and Shawnee didn't go anywhere (willingly) without Heidi! Heidi was quite a pet and in a very short time was as beloved as the horse. She loved to play but, at close to 100 pounds, she could intimidate anyone who didn't recognize her sweet nature. We would invite her into the house on occasion, and one December she proceeded to eat the Christmas tree! So, you see, as much as I'm all for eliminating tobacco from US fields, I just couldn't bear to raise goats for the table. I'm afraid they'd all remind me of Heidi!

9/12/2006 6:46 PM  

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